What is ICPC


What is ICPC?

ICPC: International Collegiate Programming Contest.

Here is Top 10 for 44th Annual World Finals of ICPC

Place Institution Team
1 Nizhny Novgorod State University Almost Retired
2 Seoul National University Cafe Mountain
3 St. Petersburg ITMO University ITMO U 1 Standard deviation
4 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Godnotent
5 University of Wroclaw UWr 1
6 University of Cambridge Treeniceratops
7 Belarusian State University Belarusian SU #1
8 University of Bucharest [UNIBUC] ScrambledEggs
9 Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT $(w)$
10 Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics KhNURE_NRG

Check full list from ICPC official site

Here is the ICPC North America 2022 final


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